Here's a survey for those of us who are no longer teenagers...

May 30, 2009 in Memememe

Tired of all of those surveys made up by high school kids? (no offense). Here are questions for the people who are a little older. Copy and paste into your own note, then answer the questions. Finally, tag your friends including me, please! Read on…

Getting Productive on the Mac

May 12, 2009 in Elsewhere

I’m a big systems guy: I think that, if you’re doing something repeatable and everyday, you should make it into a system that makes it easy to do over and over again without actually having to think much. I had such a system on my PC. Remarkably, despite the plethora of pretty brilliant task- and information-management applications on the Mac, it’s only now that I think I’ve gotten an equal-quality system on the Mac.

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May 7, 2009 in Junior

It finally happened. After years, somebody finally felt it was time to put an end to the behavior. So in came the professional, and the law got laid down. It was pretty much exactly like this:

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