Five Days with Lion
Jul 25, 2011 in Tech
I’m a notorious late upgrader, but Mac OS X Lion caught my fancy back on Thursday; my new job doesn’t start ‘til the 28th, so it looked like either update… Read on…
Why I'm Not Worried About the Debt Ceiling Talks
Jul 24, 2011 in Ye Olde Politicks
Seems like every day, I hear “Obama did this” or “Boehner said that” or “Polls show the other thing.” So nobody can seem to agree about the debt ceiling. Meh;… Read on…
Tea Party: Stupid or Brilliant?
Jul 15, 2011 in
The recent compromise in Minnesota begs the perpetual lefty question: is the Tea Party’s insistence on certain aggressive policies genius or ignorance? After all, in MN, they insisted that the… Read on…