Published Jan 28, 2012

In years past, I’ve posted my New Year’s resolutions at the beginning of the year and then reviewed them at the beginning of the next year. While I wasn’t exactly around for the start of the new year, that’s not exactly an excuse for not doing my resolutions. So, here they are, and may I be held accountable for them!

(I don’t seem to have made resolutions last year, which makes this an easy blog entry to write, because I only need to do this year’s resolutions, rather than revisiting last year’s as well. So, here we go.)

  • Get better at photography, particularly by addressing at least one of the following two problems:
    1. I’m fairly weak at shooting people
    2. I have very little experience or education in shooting in anything but bog-standard natural daylight
  • Become a faster cook — I’m a very good cook, but you’d better give me an afternoon to do it in!
  • Get back to running, or find some other cardio that I love
  • Finish up my novel
  • Get back into blogging
  • Be a great husband in all of the new ways that having a normal job with a predictable schedule allows me to, that I couldn’t do when I was self-employed.

So that’s that. Let’s check in next year and see how I do!