What I Learned About Sales from a Timeshare
Jun 12, 2008 in Elsewhere
I’ve been gone for a while; mostly it was too much work, launching a whole marketing campaign. But some of it was fun — I went to the Hawaiian island of Kauai on a good week’s vacation, paid for substantially by attending a timeshare presentation. Now that was an education on sales.
Read on…In Which I Fall Behind on My Posting 'Cause I'm Relaxing on the Beach, Suckas
I’m sorry I haven’t written! But I’ve been so, well, relaxed, and busy doing relaxing things. For instance, sleeping in. And sleeping on the beach. And sleeping next to the pool. And drinking almost every rum-based drink known to man. But I did take some pictures in between, because I care. Or, because I did wonderful things and want to make you jealous. To wit: Read on…