Oct 31, 2009 in Travel
Fiji, obviously, was an incredible, happy, relaxing getaway. We both came away refreshed, and eight days of just enjoying ourselves in complete indulgence was the perfect conclusion to our honeymoon. But, I have to admit, it was a little odd quite how intimate I got with the staff at Lalati Resort. I mean, practically as intimate as I was with my brand new wife. Read on…
Own Private Idaho Island
Oct 29, 2009 in Photos, Travel
Counting down to the end of our honeymoon, we had to do something incredible to close out such an outstanding vacation. Fortunately, Lalati offered just such a package, and at the outrageously low price typical of the venue — a day away at a private, secluded beach, with picnic lunch, booze, and two one-hour massages per person. Frankly, we’d been looking forward to this high point since we started to research the resort, and getting out there and getting it done was essential; being blocked by high winds on Thursday, when we’d planned to go out, only increased our determination. Friday, we finally made it, paddling our kayaks with more than a little dispatch as we worked our way to the beach even before the motorboat would have arrived to take us there. Read on…
Bula from Fiji!
Oct 22, 2009 in Photos, Travel
Coke is made with real sugar in both New Zealand and Fiji, which, if you know me well, you know is a big priority. But there are other good things about Fiji, too. Specifically: the relaxing. And: the activities related to relaxing. And then: the activities that burn off any excess energy so that I can get back to relaxing.
The flip side of all this is that I’m not having much of that delicious sugar-sweetened Coke here, since, well, who needs caffeine to get in the way of that all-important relaxing? Oh, and I do apologize for the lateness of this entry, but blogging and photo editing was getting in the way of the relaxing. And, if you had the view from your veranda that I have from mine, you’d want to focus on the relaxing too. Read on…
An Ending Fit For a Queen
Oct 18, 2009 in Photos, Travel
So this is it… the last morning in New Zealand. Not too many tears; this afternoon we head for Fiji. We ended with four nights — our longest stop yet — in Queenstown, the premier tourist destination in New Zealand and largest city in the area. We arrived with an equal mix of exhaustion and determination to avail ourselves of the adrenalin-fueled sports the area’s famous for. Plus food, wine, fun. Read on…
Sailing Doubtful Sound
Oct 14, 2009 in Photos, Travel
Everyone says that you need to spend time on New Zealand’s famous sounds, Milford Sound and Doubtful Sound (both of which are, in fact, fjords rather than sounds). Doubtful Sound is the more remote, difficult, and vast destination; of course, we had to go there. Of course, that meant more driving. But, fortunately, at the end of this drive was a boat, taking us through an overnight cruise far, far away from pretty much anything else in this world. Read on…
Three Days in Wanaka; Or, Finally Three Days Somewhere
Oct 13, 2009 in Photos, Travel
While the drive to Wanaka was long, and rainy, and, worse than both, unexpectedly so, such that it sapped our energy, the fact is that Wanaka might be our favorite place in New Zealand so far. Wanaka is the red-headed stepchild of the nearby, and much more famous, Queenstown. Both towns are on a beautiful lake, both have a gold-mining history, both offer great outdoor options nearby, but Queenstown is much larger. I’m not sure about Queenstown yet, but Wanaka was beautiful, cute, filled with friendly people and good meals, and a great time all around. Read on…
Crossing New Zealand, to Punakaki and the Franz Josef Glacier
Oct 12, 2009 in Photos, Travel
We left Christchurch driving in the opposite direction of Kaikoura, not that we were sad to do so with the rain and cold coming down from the north. Originally, the plan was to take the legendarily spectacular TranzAlpine train to cross the Southern Alps, but they’re doing track maintenance while we’re in the country, so we drove the route instead — and I can hardly imagine that it was much less spectacular. Our destination was an overnight stop at Punakaki, home of the famous Pancake Rocks, and another overnighter at the Franz Josef Glacier. Read on…
Exceedingly Non-Comprehensive Honeymoon Update, Without Photos
Oct 12, 2009 in Travel
One of the few things more amazing than the beauty of New Zealand’s West Coast may be the slow, expensive Internet we’ve found there so far. Thus the lack of updates. Well, that and the million things we’ve been doing on that West Coast. Read on…
The Triple Pain in My Ass
Fresh off the heels of an incredible stay in Kaikoura, we headed back to Christchurch for another stay at the Hotel So, plus the chance to enjoy the city’s sights a bit. Soon we’ll be gadding about the country, doing all sorts of damn-fool things, so our last day in Christchurch has been a bit of a relaxing time for us — sleep in, have a nice breakfast, see the sights. And it’s a good thing it’s a nice, mellow day, because we barely made it here. Read on…
The Part of the Honeymoon That You Hate Me For
Based on past experience, we knew that we needed to relax, catch our breath, and get a few nights’ solid sleep before we could really appreciate our honeymoon. Also based on past experience, we knew that we wouldn’t allow ourselves to make such passive choices unless there was really very little else to do and we were also in a brilliant place. That’s why we planned ourselves a nice splurge for the beginning of our honeymoon. We got out of Christchurch for a couple of days, drove north to Kaikoura, and stayed outside of town at a quiet lodge instead of our usual downtown hotel will small, reasonably-priced rooms. Specifically, we stayed in a treehouse at the Hapuku Lodge. Go ahead, click on that link, we might as well get the you hating me started so that we can be on the same page. Read on…
Honeymoon; Or, 11 Hours With Nothing I Have To Make Sure Happens
I’ve been bad about blogging. Very, very bad. For about the last year. I know, I’m sorry, please come back gentle readers; I plan to post a lot more now. You see, at first I didn’t feel like I had much of anything to say; then my inspiration came back, but it was joined by a new business and, most of all, by being engaged. And, if you want to find an excuse to give up all your hobbies and free time, let me tell you, getting married is it. DJ L’il Bit — now, I guess, Mrs. DJ L’il Bit! — and I spent a quick 18 weeks planning two weddings, and then we got married, and now we’re on our honeymoon, and finally I have time to say something in. So, let me say: ha-ha, I’m in New Zealand and you’re not! Read on…