Published Jun 29, 2004

Four rustlers shot my brother, so I had to track them through the dusty southwest to exact my revenge; in parallel, a posse rode after the rustlers to catch and hang them. Several times, I came close to finding the rustlers; each time, I ran into their beautiful sister, and we drank whisky together in the dry heat. Finally, we fell in love.

I chased the rustlers into an underground cave, where we shot it out; I killed some of them but they shot me as well as they fled from the cave. I rolled into the cave entrance to hide and bleed; the sister was there, and she began to treat my wounds. Then the posse caught up behind us. They thought, since I was in the cave, I must be in with the rustlers, and rushed the cave and captured me and the sister. They didn’t give me the chance to explain; instead, they fixed explosive collars to me and the sister, planning to execute us by blowing our heads off. Then they poured battery acid on our heads; the sister’s face melted, but mine was somehow unharmed. Fearing that the explosive collar wouldn’t actually blow my head off but just wound me grievously, I begged the posse to understand that I was also chasing down the rustlers. They let me go, and the now-wounded sister treated the bullet holes her brothers put in me.

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