Published Aug 19, 2005

If you’re an RSS fan, look to your right — I’m offering new, more complete feeds in RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0, and Atom. Thanks to regular expressions and Textile formatting, you’ll even get pretty, working HTML entries.

If you’re reading this blog through a newsreader or a service like Bloglines, you’ll now get both the main entry and the links on the right (the moblog is a bonus for people who actually visit the site, at this point). Oh, and if you admin a feed, I’d appreciate it if you’d update that to use the new RSS files.


I think the LJ feed is the RSS2 version, though I’m not sure. You think it’d work better in Atom? I think it supports all the common formats…

(Though of course, I’d have to make a new name for the new URL. Sigh.)