Published Mar 28, 2006

Thank you for providing me with that little shot of adrenalin this morning; it was a rainy, dismal morning, and I was a little groggy. Seeing you speed through the red light, and feeling my car skid just a bit as I slammed on the breaks in the wet street, stopping just feet from you, certainly got me going at peak alertness. I hope that I didn’t disrupt your cell phone conversation too much when I laid on my horn while coming to a complete stop (said action was refreshingly reflexive).

I will freely admit that it was probably better for me than for you that we didn’t get in a wreck, since your big four-door Suburban is much larger than my Lexus. While I’m expressing my gratitude, I do think that I should help you get in contact with the person who prevented me from t-boning you right on the driver’s side door at 35mph; specifically, that nutcase in the white F250 with four feet of metal piping sticking out of the bed.

You see, just a half a block before I entered the intersection which you were, simultaneously, entering, I had to dodge this fine individual in his big truck as he entered Venice from a parking lot and cut across three lanes to get into the left turn lane. Now, we’ve all done this, but this driver executed the maneuver with such élan, in order to get in the back of the rather long line at the turn signal, he actually drove towards oncoming traffic for about 20 feet, then popped a quick u-ey to get in the queue. Naturally, seeing this large, white truck heading straight for me, I slowed, and I kept my speed down since the length of pipe protruding from the end of the truck blocked another 3/4 of a lane. Had I not gotten down to about 20mph from the 35 I was doing, I would assuredly have hit you, or beaten you into the intersection and been t-boned by you.

And, as we can both agree, the value of your unexpected transit of the intersection was really the morning pick-me-up it provided for both of us, in the form of an adrenaline boost. Well, at any rate, you provided that for me; since you just kept going and kept talking on your cell phone, this may have been just a normal, relaxing, every morning activity for you. I guess that would explain the very large vehicle; always better to have Newton on your side.




i don’t know if her being latina has much to do with this. ;-)

No, it’s really only her being female that has anything to do with this.

I keed I keed!

Just thought the detail might add some flavor.