Published Dec 19, 2007

Can you believe that both Britney and her sister have managed to have unplanned kids? Can you believe that Brit’s mom was going to write a book on how to raise a celeb family?

Also, in less important front-page news, someone shot and killed my neighbor and friend Rick in the back behind a strip club the other night.1 RIP Rick. I’ve a lot more to say than that but I think I’ll leave it there.

Richard1 Winkelman 1957(?)-day before yesterday.

(If this is the only thing that gets me posting here these days, I need to blog more often!)

1 Way to bury the lede, asshole! - ed.

2 He was always surprisingly picky about being referred to officially as Richard, for a man who everyone knew as Rick.


I think you left it perfectly, Honey.

oh jeez. I hope he didn’t suffer too much. :(

I can believe this.This news is not surprising but a part of life and death. Full circle. The cycle of life.
People have unplanned chidren probably half of the time. As a matter of fact, I was a surprise to my parents. One friend who I’ve talked to about this happened to be an unplanned surprise! child as well and her niece was unplanned… I could go on about unplanned vs. planned, life and death..

..Although you speak news that is not surprising, news that represents cycle of life, it’s easier to talk about life then death, and life and death are always still so uncanny.

Spelling correction: life than death.
..I must be in a serious mood!

This us my daddy and i miss him more then anyone could understand! I love you daddy
Love your #1 girl

This us my daddy and i miss him more then anyone could understand! I love you daddy
Love your #1 girl

This is my daddy and i miss him more then anyone could understand! I love you daddy
Love your #1 girl

Dear Danielle,
My heart goes out to you, your sweet, baby sisters, your family. Pray for peace

I’m sorry Danielle. I wish I could’ve made it otherwise.

Wow, I’m so sorry to hear about Rick and Danielle. Such a sad event. I really can’t believe it.

Thank you all… i can only hope at least now my dad is at peace and that the feelings i have right now will get better.


oh gosh. so sorry and sad to hear of this news. although i didn’t know him, i felt like i did because you talked about him plenty. i know he was a central part of your life. my sympathies to you, wade, and especially to his little girl. XOXOXO