Published Apr 15, 2012
I’m a big Instagram fan (this is me). Yes, even now that they let Android users on (hot tip: Android users I know seem to post almost no photos). But, as much as the app is charming, it’s weak on tools to help you find the content and people you want again and again. But I just found Instagallery, and I’m in love.The great thing about Instagram is that it’s really easy to take a shot and upload it, and really easy to check what’s new in a basic feed. But if you follow more than a few dozen people, then photos start to get missed. This is particularly frustrating when the photos that you miss are your friends’, and the photos that you see were taken by the 300 people you follow who shoot cool stuff but whom you don’t know. Sure, you can go in to the list of people you follow and find your real-life friends and look at what they’ve done one-by-one, but that’s not easy in the first place, and then there’s no way to save that list of real-life friends for easy access later. It’s the same story with hashtags for content-types you like. That’s where Instagallery comes in.I can really sympathize with Instagram keeping things this way: focus is key to any app. But I missed having some kind of list-management features every day. At least, I missed it until I found Instagallery. Now it’s fairly easy for me to keep a list of the hashtags I’d like to follow and the people I want to pat on the back or needle.
It’s just that simple: you find the things you want to look at, then you save them. I can deal with that. Sure, there are other features, but if you open Instagram every day like I do, this one alone is worth $1.99. If you’re looking for more followers, I bet Instagallery would be an essential tool. As it is, it just makes Instagram more fun for me. Instagrammers: buy it!(And if you’ve noticed me like a dozen of your photos in the past couple of days, it’s not that I’m stalking you, it just finally became easy to follow you, thanks to Instagallery, and so I’m checking out what you’ve been doing!)