True Love
Sep 30, 2006 in Reviews
I’m into the whole minimalist wallet thing — the slim look, the lack of pocket bulges (I get enough from my Treo), and the fact that I don’t schlep half of my office with me every time I leave the house all keep me happy. My last wallet, reasonably well-liked if not particularly perfect (the money clip thing was a good experiment, but not a success for me) fell apart and was discarded without too much fanfare or too many tears. Its replacement, however… well, I’m in love. Read on…
Will Somebody Please Explain to Me What the SVN vs. CVS Thing Is?
Sep 27, 2006 in Will Somebody Please Explain To Me...
I discovered CVS at the very beginning of this century, when I was doing Web dev. Getting past revisions? Diff? Little notes on what changes I’d made? Life-saver. Even after leaving the industry, I kept much of my work in CVS, because revisions and branching are useful even for binary file formats, such as Word .docs or Photoshop .psds. Read on…
The Affair of the Bottle
Sep 25, 2006 in True Life Stories
I did not — and this probably comes as very little of a surprise to most people who read this blog reguarly — spend much time in the Principal’s office in Elementary School. In all honesty, I simply wasn’t popular enough to have the chance to act out in a way that would gain the attention of the higher-ups. Read on…
Those Who Fail To Learn From History Are Doomed To Repeat It. Oops.
Sep 24, 2006 in Ye Olde Politicks
One thing about me — a detail which makes me substantially less useful as a person from whom you can borrow a book — is that, like many geeky boys, I enjoy my military history books. My tastes in this genre tend strongly to more-technical works which completely describe the challenges individuals and states face and then give a complete history of how that challenge was surmounted (or not). Right now I’m reading a particularly interesting (to me), if perhaps somewhat detailed and dry, book, The Arming of Europe and the Making of the First World War. I’ve recently come to a chapter that describes the oft-forgotten Bosnian crisis of 1908, a historical event that, at the time, appeared to be a complete victory for Germany and Austria-Hungary but which turned out to be, unexpectedly, a complete disaster for those two Powers. Read on…
Meet the New Look, Same as the Old Look
Sep 19, 2006 in Meta
Well, ok, it’s not the same, but, well, it sounded like a catchy headline. Anyway, welcome to my new look. It’s big, and it’s dark grey, and it’s got my moblog right at the top, and I love it. Read on…