The 25 Random Things Meme...
Jan 29, 2009 in Memememe
OK, I rarely do the meme thing, but, what the heck, the first step to writing more is: writing more. So, therefore, I will write this!
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you. Read on…
Belated Resolutions
Jan 25, 2009 in Otherwise Uncategorized
So, I’m a little behind this year — usually I have my resolutions up in the first week of the year or so. Frankly, one of my problems lately has been commitment to blogging, and I was slow getting to this post because of that. Well, I bet that shows up on my resolutions! So, on to the usual format. Read on…
Video's Main Course?
Jan 22, 2009 in Elsewhere
Last Saturday, my girlfriend and I got some takeout, brought it home, and watched a DVD from Netflix. Kind of a rare event, actually - these days, it’s more about Tivo and delivery; a craving for Pinkberry brought us out for the takeout from the Asian place next door. It occurred to us that, ten years ago, movie and takeout would’ve been a typical weekend evening for almost everyone - how much business must the restaurants in the same strip malls as Blockbuster have done? And how much has Netflix killed these restaurants?
Read on…