And I Shall Call Them the Tweaker Rich

Jun 20, 2007 in Sightings

Many of those who live in the Charnock Ranch Historic Business Area apparently have no particular job; I see them gadding about every mid-day and every afternoon. Of course, if I had anything to do myself, then I wouldn’t be out to see my neighbors, but that’s not the point of this blog entry. The point is that these obviously unemployed people — unkempt, nappy-haired, filthy-clothed, pockmarked, hollow-cheeked, pinpointed pupils — have a lot more going on, cash flow-wise, than I had expected. Read on…

Oh Transgendered Individual at Baja Fresh...

May 16, 2007 in Sightings

I applaud you getting out there and not being shy in the middle of your transformation. And, heck, you’re looking pretty good! You’ve got great legs, and, let me say, I really want to give you props for the breasts you’ve chosen. A lot of guys would’ve gone big, but you picked some that are rather small and very tasteful on your athletic frame. Very soon, you’re going to look pretty good for a 50-some-year-old woman.
Read on…

In Which My Faith In Humanity is Renewed

Dec 7, 2006 in Sightings

I live in a moderately rough part of town. This is intentional; in LA, you can find great apartment values in neighborhoods that may look a bit “transitional” but in fact be perfectly safe. My ‘hood, although safe, is filled with both actual gangbangers and those who look like ‘bangers. Every day as I walk to get lunch, I see Latinos in white wife-beaters and baggy jeans, or African-Americans wearing red. Today, walking back from the store, I saw three such worthies, tall, big, African-American; one was wearing a Stop Snitchin’ t-shirt. As I walked past, the tallest one said “hey, ‘scuse me, yo!” Read on…

Men Wearing The Wrong Collars Make Me Sad

May 3, 2006 in Sightings

It seems that gentlemen these days are fond of the tie-with-button-down-collar look, which, I suppose, is a wonderful idea if you really like your collar to poof out, exposing the parts of the tie that wrap around your neck inside the collar. Me, I prefer to restrict the visible parts of my tie to a reasonably competent knot and the wide end, hanging down to the middle of my belt. Read on…

Actual Product Proposal During My Marketing Strategy Course

Apr 21, 2006 in Sightings

One of my classmates proposed, in all seriousness, that iPods be attached to insulin pumps so that diabetics could listen to music while they got their sugar under control. I… Read on…

Smells Like Poo!

Apr 15, 2006 in Sightings

I went downtown with the Art Society of Marshall today, on a tour of the LA skyline. We were accompanied, on the early part of our tour, by an escort of downtown’s finest; that is to say, an African-American homeless man pushing a shopping cart full of flattened cardboard boxes. This worthy was clearly trying to inform us of some of the more subtle things around us: “smells like poo!” he’d yell, at the top of his lungs. “Smells like poo?” “SMELLS like poo!” The inflection varied between outbursts, almost as if he was trying to say different things (just like Junior can mean three different things when he says “hello!”). Read on…

The Shyest Tagger

Apr 8, 2006 in Sightings

Walking to the store, I saw a tall, nervous man, wearing a baby-blue North Carolina baseball cap, ambling along, looking furtively from side to side. Near the Halal Carneceria, he stopped and, turning around in a couple of little circles, took in everything on the block. Then he sidled up to the water vending machine, leaned against it all cool-like for a second, and slinked in behind it. As I walked past and down to Venice, I could barely see the tall man, he was pressed so close to the water machine. What was he doing? Read on…

"Bass Ackwards", in 10-inch high letters, on the overhead projector

Mar 31, 2006 in Sightings

In my professor’s lecture. She’s a batty Britisher, smart as all get-out but a bit flaky. Her classes are nutty but informative. The best part wasn’t, however, that she used… Read on…

Undergrad Women Riding Bicycles

Mar 23, 2006 in Sightings

As much as I appreciate the sight, undergrad women at USC — all of whom apparently have to meet a minimum standard of attractiveness to be admitted — probably shouldn’t… Read on…

Sighted In PS1 at USC

Feb 22, 2006 in Sightings

One blonde freshman, in a white sweatshirt, in a white Corrolla, with the windows rolled up, teasing her eyelashes with a little round brush while looking in the lighted visor… Read on…

Sighting of the day

Apr 14, 2002 in Sightings

On the roof: Papa John’s Pizza delivery sign On the license plate frame: MENSA The International High-IQ Society… Read on…