Attack of the Lightbulbs

Jun 28, 2007 in Otherwise Uncategorized

About a month ago, my desk lamp in my office quit working. I figured it burnt out, so I changed the lightbulb, but there was no more light with the new bulb than with the old. Sadly, I classified my ’50s-style lamp as dead. Then, today, the light in my kitchen went out. I replaced the bulb but: nothing. So I washed the dishes in the dark, and vowed to call the landlord tomorrow, when he was in the office. Read on…

In Which I Reveal My Real Feelings on the Martini

Jun 25, 2007 in Food, Photos

I fear I’m about to make a great many enemies; but it can’t be avoided. Sometimes, one has strong opinions, and it’s at those times that one must stand up and state one’s beliefs, damn the consequences. This is one of those times. And this is my belief: A Martini is not a gin drink, or a vodka drink: it’s a vermouth drink. Read on…

New Camera!

Jun 24, 2007 in Photos

I got a new dSLR! Yay! It’s party time at my house! Also, thank Farmer’s Insurance time. I’ve been itching to take some photos for weeks now (of course I wanted to shoot as soon as I had no camera!), and there could be no better birthday present than finally getting a digital SLR again. Read on…

It's Official: I Can't Vote For Hillary

Jun 21, 2007 in Ye Olde Politicks

I had been skeptical of her ability to make good decisions, given her support for the Iraq war, but this really proves that her judgment can’t be trusted. I mean, some things are just obviously bad decisions. And, please, going Canadian at a moment like this? I think you’ll agree with me after you see this embarrassment: Read on…

And I Shall Call Them the Tweaker Rich

Jun 20, 2007 in Sightings

Many of those who live in the Charnock Ranch Historic Business Area apparently have no particular job; I see them gadding about every mid-day and every afternoon. Of course, if I had anything to do myself, then I wouldn’t be out to see my neighbors, but that’s not the point of this blog entry. The point is that these obviously unemployed people — unkempt, nappy-haired, filthy-clothed, pockmarked, hollow-cheeked, pinpointed pupils — have a lot more going on, cash flow-wise, than I had expected. Read on…

Why Apple Wants Web Apps for the iPhone

Jun 18, 2007 in Elsewhere

At last week’s Apple World Wide Developer Conference, Apple CEO Steve Jobs revealed how third-party software developers could get their programs on the hotly-anticipated iPhone: they could write Web applications that iPhone users could access through the iPhone’s integrated Safari browser. A lot of traditional application developers are pissed off by this; a lot of Web developers are enthused. Apple doesn’t care. They didn’t choose this approach to make developers happy, or even for technical reasons; Apple is focusing on Web apps because this is the only strategy that will bring them back into the business space.

Read on…

Introducing the Italian Blind

Jun 16, 2007 in Food

I swear they should have an Iron Bartender TV show, because you discover the most fun things that way! The AIG and I wanted a nice drink, and I don’t exactly have a well-equipped bar in my apartment. But I fooled around with the mismatched alcohols I had, and I came up with something absolutely delicious. So, here it is: the Italian Blind: Read on…


Jun 11, 2007 in Photos

It was late, and the sun was going down, and I was looking forward to seeing the AIG. So I was happy when she called me, and a little surprised when the call turned out to be not for dinner, but to take some pictures for her work. I had to rush; light would fail shortly. But when I got over, there was an unexpected payoff:1 the pictures were to be taken with a bunch of Lomos. OK, this would be fun. Read on…