Waiter, Where's My Fashion Plate?
Jul 19, 2007 in Will Somebody Please Explain To Me...
Two years of school and two years of startup haven’t left me with a big clothing budget. I’d like to take what I own rather further than it’s going currently. But, as I contemplate radical things like not getting my dress shirts starched so that I can have one of these “casual” looks, I’m having trouble finding sources for good fashion ideas. Read on…
We Hold These Truths to be Self-Evident, That Things Should Go Boom in the Sky Every 4th of July
Jul 5, 2007 in Otherwise Uncategorized, Photos
I don’t really have an entry here; I just schlepped my camera along with me as I enjoyed my fourth of July, and I thought I’d share it with you all. Now, some might say that I should’ve schlepped a tripod, too, what with the night pictures of fireworks and all, but those people would be spending waaay too much time thinking ahead and waaay too little time getting out of the house. OK, normally that’s me, but for once I thought I’d just go for it.
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I Guess I'm All Grown Up Now
Jul 2, 2007 in Food
I realized I was all grown up late last week. It’s been quite hot here in Southern California, and my apartment has enough power to run either my air conditioner or the freezer chest for the chemical ice my company ships with. I bet you can guess who wins that. Anyway, it’s hot. And usually hot weather makes me want good things, like Lik-M-Aid, Big Red soda, and fried dough. But, this summer, it made me want fruit.
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