Livin' on the Edge

Nov 25, 2007 in Otherwise Uncategorized

I’m a dangerous man; I live under an alias. Or, technically, I live under a misspelling that the DMV inserted into my middle name when I got a California driver’s license back in ‘93. Did you ever check your license to see if your name was spelled right? Well, were I to have a police record, mine would have an AKA on it! That’s right, I’m officially one of those rugged, sexy bad boys now! Read on…

For Your Holiday Consideration

Nov 16, 2007 in Otherwise Uncategorized

Merry Christmas. Happy Hanukkah. Joyous Kwanzaa. Whatever your holiday, we at want to share it with you. That’s why this year, for the first time, I’m proud, very proud, to announce the official t-shirts. These beautiful shirts let you take all of the fun of with you, wherever you go. So, please, invite us into your homes this holiday season, and share us with your family.
Read on…


Nov 9, 2007 in Photos

When my camera got stolen, I also lost the camera bag that went with it. Not so serious, since said bag was actually too small; I used it for the occasional gad about town, but, in general, I kept my body and lenses in padded containers in my backpack when out shooting. My replacement camera came with a replacement holster-style camera bag, which was good enough for the Canon with the smaller lens attached, but too small for my 300mm zoom. Hey, it’s Christmas, maybe I should ask for a camera bag that fits the zoom? I mean, I do have a dream camera bag… Read on…