Dear Paramount

Dec 24, 2007 in Dear So-And-So

Thanks for licensing It’s a Wonderful Life exclusively to NBC. I’d become somewhat complacent, watching the same movie every Christmas eve (sometimes several times! Thanks, UHF stations!). Fortunately, you broke me out of that rut; without your intervention, I never would’ve watched Holyfield-Bowe III on ESPN Classic. Read on…

Let's A-Wassail!

Dec 23, 2007 in Otherwise Uncategorized

Earlier today, as I was shopping in the HEB with my parents, I found myself overcome with the season. Well, not so much with the season as with the music. I’ve been without my music since I came to Houston, although, technically, that’s only because I’m too stubborn to listen to Pandora without my good speakers plugged in. Anyway, the carols playing over the HEB’s PA system put a smile on my face, and suddenly I was singing along. Read on…


Dec 22, 2007 in Dreams, Otherwise Uncategorized

The night Rick died, his ex called me in the middle of the night to tell me. But her voicemail was unintelligible; and I was already up. I’d been up for an hour, and I’d spent that whole time in terror. Because I was sure he was coming to get me.
Read on…

Jamie Lynn Spears is Pregnant

Dec 19, 2007 in Otherwise Uncategorized

Can you believe that both Britney and her sister have managed to have unplanned kids? Can you believe that Brit’s mom was going to write a book on how to raise a celeb family? Read on…


Dec 16, 2007 in Spurts

The 0-13 Dolphins are now 1-13 — they beat my hapless Ravens. And my Broncos, the most inconsistent team in the NFL (see Variance) got whomped again, this time by… Read on…

Give Me Your Tried, Your Ports, Your Mac Apps

Dec 7, 2007 in Mac, Switch, Tech

OK, I’ve been fooling around on my new PowerBook — I mean, MacBook — now for a couple weeks, and I’ve achieved a moderate level of productivity. But what are the great apps out there that I’m missing? What small developer should get my $30 for the magic they’ll put in my Applications folder? Tell me your favorites so that I can try them out! Read on…

Back in Mac

Dec 1, 2007 in Mac, Reviews, Switch

Well, I went and did it. I got a 15” MacBook Pro to replace my Dell. The new Mac was supposed to come in more of the April/May timeframe, but then the Dell had a little explosion — a flash of light, an overpowering smell of ozone, and then it wouldn’t turn on for two days (remarkably, after a weekend turned off, the Dell worked fine). That put a crimp in my plans for productivity and whatnot, and I couldn’t quite trust a sparky laptop, so MacBook Pro time it was. And it’s wonderful. It’s beautiful. It feels great, and I love it. Read on…