If I Had It To Do Over

May 31, 2004 in B-School

In the end, I got into one top-20 school, waitlisted at two others, and shot down by a fourth and a top-five school. Not a bad outcome, especially given that… Read on…

Bad Driver

May 8, 2004 in Dreams

The dream started out in the hardware store. I don’t remember anything about what I shopped for, because the important part came after I left the store and went to… Read on…

Friends Finale

May 8, 2004 in Otherwise Uncategorized

Like about one out of five Americans, I watched the finale of Friends. And it was just awful! Truly unpleasant. Filled with uninteresting and distracting content, condescension, unnecessary titillation, and… Read on…

Mmmm Mayo

May 8, 2004 in Food

I’m never buying mayonnaise again. Not that I buy it much, what with the artery-clogging side effects and all, but never again am I spending my money on the jarred… Read on…

Response: Rejected by UCLA

May 5, 2004 in B-School

Somewhat belatedly, the Anderson School has responded in the negative to my application. Of course, now that they won’t have me, I have more interest in getting in! But still… Read on…


May 4, 2004 in B-School

So I thought about it for a while. I know I’d enjoy NYU. But I’ve got the offer from USC, and I know I’d enjoy USC a lot. And I’m… Read on…

Dear Potential Vendor

May 4, 2004 in Dear So-And-So

Thank you for sending me the e-mail telling me about your product. However, when I responded to the e-mail suggesting that you call me at a certain time on a… Read on…