Santiago PRIME Pictures

Jul 30, 2005 in B-School, Photos, Travel

As long promised, my pictures from PRIME. Presented without commentary, because I already provided a lot of that (which you can read here and here and here if you want). Read on…

This is the kind of spontaneous publicity I need. My name in print. That really makes somebody. Things are going to start happening to me now.

Jul 27, 2005 in Otherwise Uncategorized

It’s no phone book, but it’s not a bad start. My friends and unusually-talented classmates over at Babblog have, for some reason, become addled enough to publish something I wrote — in this case, a discourse on the Mojito. I think you’ll find that my article contains the same quality of content that you’ve become used to here at, although the rest of Babblog may, disappointingly, actually be competently-written. Read on…

Poor Terrell

Jul 26, 2005 in Spurts

The beauty of blogging is that, over a period of years, a dedicated writer can develop an audience of up to several, gain the trust of this audience, and thus have a stage upon which to stand when he shouts out that one absolutely, completely, and preposterously crazy truth that only he knows. Now is that time for me. Now is my time to say, I feel bad for Terrell Owens, I know where he’s coming from, I understand why he’s holding out and I’m down with it. Read on…

This Goes Out To Shorty, From One-Eye

Jul 24, 2005 in Meta

As part of the general ongoing improvement going on at this blog — also known as “excuses not to do any actual work” — I’ve modified things to support short… Read on…

In God's Country

Jul 20, 2005 in Otherwise Uncategorized

There’s an old joke about Texas: A Texan plays poker with the Devil. The game goes on day after day, week after week, and the stakes get bigger and bigger the whole time. One day, the Texan calls Satan’s big bet with the deed to all of Texas, whereupon the Devil throws down his royal flush, busting the Texan broke. The Texan gets ready to pack his things and move, but then the Devil disappears down a deep hole back to Hell. “Hey Satan,” yells the Texan, “aren’t you going to take my state?” “No,” replies the Devil, “I’ve spent a few weeks in Texas and, believe me, I’ve decided to live in Hell and rent out Texas.” Have I mentioned lately that I’m living in Phoenix for the summer? Have I mentioned that, given the option, the Devil would clearly live in Texas and rent out Arizona? Read on…

Charm City

Jul 17, 2005 in Travel

Since I’ve apparently traveled about everywhere else this summer, I thought I’d try going back home to Baltimore. Yes, the one in Maryland. Not to be confused with Boston or with Bangor (I’ve had it confused with both). What better city to introduce someone you care about than Charm City? Read on…

The People With The Bags

Jul 14, 2005 in Travel

I’ve been traveling a lot lately, and there’s a certain set of my fellow travelers who stand out. It’s not the people with kids, or the businessmen in their suits, or the harried wives dragging along irresponsible husbands who have no idea how to manage any complex task in their lives apart from golf, it’s not even the four rows of people behind me on an earlier flight who were obviously related because all four generations of these blondes had exactly the same hairstyle. No, it’s the people with the bags, those two large wheel-on bags that the rest of us check and that they, somehow, have the gumption to try to squeeze into the overhead compartments. Read on…

Camino Real Hotel Mexico City

Jul 11, 2005 in Photos, Travel

Strangely enough, one of my more popular entries (insofar as it seems to turn up in my top-visited pages in my logs) is my photo entry on Houston’s Hotel Derek. In the spirit of that entry, here’s my experience at Mexico City’s Hotel Camino Real, the stylish hotel I stayed at in Mexico City. Read on…

Training Nerd Camp

Jul 10, 2005 in True Life Stories

If you’re a football fan like me, eagerly awaiting the arrival on TV of those sweet, sweet games you’ve been waiting for all year (and, even better, the start of your Fantasy Football game), then you may know that we’re now in football training camp season. As an intellectually pompous youngster, I used to go to nerd camp — right down the street from the Redskins’ training camp. Read on…

Gluttony al Pastor

Jul 3, 2005 in Travel

Today I ate eight tacos al pastor. With yesterday’s two tortas, that makes this an all-Mexican street food (and tourism)weekend, which is a good weekend in my book. I just wish the fruit sellers hadn’t closed up shop yesterday before I could get some of that good-looking, fresh mango with chile powder. Read on…

Dear Justice Letter

Jul 1, 2005 in Ye Olde Politicks

Well, that’s pretty unexpected — I know everyone was planning on a Supreme Court seat opening up via death, but I don’t know that there was any reason to anticipate a seat coming open via retirement. There are many questions why, but, not being a SCOTUS follower, I won’t speculate. However, as a blogger, it’s my God-given right to spout off as to how she will be replaced. Read on…