Dear Jennifer Lopez
Oct 27, 2007 in Dear So-And-So
Thank you for appearing in every commercial break during UFC fights. I really appreciate how you tell me I’m “doin’ it well” as you inform me about Rhapsody, the subscription music service brought to you by everyone’s favorite software maker.
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Luck Favors the Prepared
Oct 25, 2007 in Elsewhere
Nothing ever goes right for my neighbor. His tires are flat, someone broke his cabinet (the one that he left in the driveway), and his car accidentally got impounded. The things he hopes for never pan out. For Steve Jobs, it’s the opposite story - Apple sold a boatload of Macs last quarter, more than anyone expected. It seems like, after years of hoping, Steve finally got some iPod users to make the big switch to the Mac.
Read on…The Smell, or Something of Fear
Oct 23, 2007 in Otherwise Uncategorized
The AIG and I went to a Haunted House last weekend. It was kind of a lark — we were having a night on the town, walking down the street, and there was an empty ticket line for a haunted house. Seemed rather season-appropriate, so we went in. And then the AIG shivered in anticipated fear as we made our way to the head of the line to get in, and screamed her way through the (admittedly very well-done) haunted house. Read on…
What Do Pets Do at Night?
Oct 14, 2007 in Graphically-Illustrated, Junior
The AIG has this wonderful little dog — let’s call him Seamus. Seamus is pretty much Perfect Dog — friendly, respectful, cuddly, well-behaved, slobber-free, possessed of incredible bladder control — but he’s also got these soulful eyes. And, if he has one weakness, it’s his stinginess with kisses. So, when he woke us with kisses this morning, and deep, downcast brown eyes, the question was: what happened to the poor thing last night’s treats and cozy climbing under the covers and this morning’s plaintive paean for approval? Read on…
Welcome to the 1950s, Children of Tomorrow!
Oct 10, 2007 in Things To Avoid
I’m prematurely aged. Or, at least I am if you look at the ads on the TV I watch. Franklin Mint? Check. Hoveround? Check. Good times, good times. But never did I think that I would see an ad like this one: Read on…
Top 6 Small Business Web Site Mistakes
Oct 5, 2007 in Elsewhere
In a former life, I designed Web sites for a living — I still do a bit of consulting here and there. For someone starting a new business, having a great Web site can make a big difference. But it’s not always clear how to make a site that really sells online. Here are some common mistakes that companies of all sizes make on their Web sites, as well as some tips and tools you can use to make sure these mistakes don’t appear on your site.
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