
May 29, 2008 in Photos, Travel

From the busy, crazy Honolulu — at least, if you ask the locals, it’s a high-stress, high-traffic place — we flew on one of those little jets made by dirty Canucks, to sunny and slower Kauai. The “garden isle” of Ceti Alpha 5 Hawaii, Kauai has a cute little airport that looks like it’s made of Lincoln Logs and is open to the air. Walking to get our rental car, we discovered that the laid-back Hertz staff had shut down for the day; but we caught a shuttle, got our car, and, despite signage that was either absent or the size of postage stamps, navigated to the hotel.
Read on…


May 28, 2008 in Travel

Today, we tore right through our to-do list, just like two good type As. To wit: Get morning coffee Get most outrageously indulgent-looking pastry at bakery (it was basically a… Read on…

Will You Need a Blue Sky Holiday?

May 27, 2008 in Photos, Travel

Today was a very relaxing day; which was good, because we both needed it. Normally, I plan out my vacations ahead of time — learn what sites I want to see at each stop, plan out the day to make sure I hit my itinerary, and make sure my list is completed each day. But this has been a less-planned trip, and we’re trying to relax. This is what happens when two type As relax. To wit, today’s complete schedule: Read on…

The Secret Word is "Vacation"

May 26, 2008 in Photos, Travel

As promised, I am in fact on vacation. The AIG and I are on a trip to Hawaii; badly needed, since this will make something like two vacations since 2000 for each of us. Perhaps I should’ve brought a book on how to relax? Read on…

Got Wood?

May 25, 2008 in Meta

Somehow, the five-year anniversary of this blog crept by me — Friday the 23rd was the big day. Post #1 was a cheap, unfunny Slashdot reference. Since then, 683 more posts have brought 878 comments, most of them smarter than the entry itself. Read on…