Building a Small-Business Web Site on a Budget

Mar 28, 2007 in Elsewhere

I want to apologize in advance for this entry. It’s just not very good. I was hoping I could expand the kind of content I covered at, but this particular expansion has clearly not worked — the last two entries, both written with the same approach, were crap. So, no more of that. Next week, I promise something not awful.

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Dear Carrie Underwood

Mar 25, 2007 in Dear So-And-So

Culottes?!… Read on…

Junior Plays (Edited, This Time)

Mar 24, 2007 in Junior

This site’s namesake is pretty darned cute. Here’s Junior playing, set to the soundtrack of the audio from Most Shocking, which I might not choose to have on for the next one of these super-cute clips. Also, I think I need to work on the lighting. But this time I edited it for length and to maximize the interesting content per minute! Read on…

Dear Woman Parked Near Me

Mar 22, 2007 in Dear So-And-So

Thank you for carrying out your personal cell phone conversation in your car. I really appreciated how, instead of — like many people — talking loudly in public, you spoke, instead, in a private place. However, it would’ve been an even more private place if you’d closed your sunroof. Read on…

Another Day, Another Destination Wedding

Mar 20, 2007 in Photos

There’s nothing like getting out of town for a wedding. I’ve been to some pretty exotic places for weddings in the last few years, but last weekend’s getaway to Pasadena was a pretty darned satisfying getaway. Two of the Actual Irish Girlfriend’s1 friends were getting married, and I was lucky enough to tag along.
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Santa Barbara Winery 2000 Sauvignon Blanc

Mar 19, 2007 in Food, Otherwise Uncategorized

I’ve been drinking a lot more wine lately — about a bottle a week. I’ve always enjoyed wine, and it was finally time to learn about it, which means trying a lot. I have little storage room, so there’s not much space for me to keep around bottles that I don’t plan to drink soon; but there are two bottles that have been taking up precious wine rack space for a while now.
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Canon PIXMA MP530, GBC ProClick

Mar 19, 2007 in Elsewhere, Reviews

The Internet is a good place to air your bile towards a product that has disappointed you, but perhaps it’s underused as a platform to talk about the things you like, the things that help you get work done every day. Since starting my company late last year, I’ve done my research and been lucky enough to buy some equipment and tools that have really helped me be pr. Since I’m in a good mood these days, I’m going to review them all here, starting with the Canon PIXMA MP530 multifunction printer and the GBC ProClick binding system.

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Goodbye, Mr. Lakin

Mar 18, 2007 in Otherwise Uncategorized, True Life Stories

I think I need to write more nice stories about High School, because I keep on bringing up bad news. It’s even worse since I seem to be writing crap these days — I’m not sure I have the tools to make what I write meaningful. But it should be. So, if you could do me a favor and pretend the following had been written in such a way as to make you care, I’d appreciate it. Read on…


Mar 17, 2007 in Reviews

A lot of words have been spent talking about the quality, or lack thereof, of 300, the new movie based on a Frank Miller graphic novel. I’m probably not going to add to the overall value or quality of all of that here. However, if King Leonidas and his Spartans didn’t mind dying for nothing, then I can’t see why I should mind blogging for nothing. Read on…

The Recording Industry is Clearly Not Taking My Advice

Mar 12, 2007 in Elsewhere

A few weeks ago, I suggested that the recording and movie industries outsource their challenge to create a new business model. By having VCs and entrepreneurs attempt to implement industry group-approved business plans, it seemed to me that these industries could shift all of the risk of figuring out what was next onto other individuals while reaping all of the rewards from emerging distribution channels. The recording industry, at least, has made it clear that they have no intention of doing any such thing. They asked, and got, an increase in the royalties paid to artists by online radio stations, an increase to a level that will probably drive all of these radio stations — this entire emerging distribution channel — out of business.

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What, Me Win?

Mar 7, 2007 in True Life Stories

I’m not a big winner — in fact, given my average luck I’m surprised that I ever try anything risky. The only thing I can ever remember winning (apart from the odd board game, which victories I of course attribute entirely to my skill) is a raffle at a company picnic. Read on…

On A Shoestring

Mar 6, 2007 in Elsewhere

It’s tempting to spend money on your entrepreneurial dream; the problem is, money is finite and dreams are infinite. Unless you’re Mel Karmazin, investing billions in your new baby is out of the question. So how do you get off the ground?

For me, the answer is being cheap.

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Memorialize Yourself, In Lucite

Mar 2, 2007 in Graphically-Illustrated, Things To Avoid

When I graduated from business school, I of course got the photos from the official photographer of me walking up to the podium in my mortarboard and of me shaking hands with some muckety-muck. I mean, the hired photog gets all the best angles, so there’s no fighting it. Some things, however, there should be fighting. Some things are so awful, so in bad taste, that they threaten to infect an entire room with their evil. And the official photographer is trying to pitch just such a thing. I give you the lucite statue that could be me: Read on…