I Hereby Propose

May 31, 2006 in Ye Olde Politicks

That all us lefties henceforth refer to Republicans as Franquistas. You know, as in, “those Franquistas in the GOP,” or “my Franquist opponent.” Read on…

Junior's Man-Crush

May 28, 2006 in Junior

Junior has a new best friend, a new person whom he seems to love more than all others. When I had to leave town recently, Rick — who used to own parrots — took care of Junior. Ever since, Junior has been madly in love. Junior sits in his cage staring out the window, waiting for Rick to walk past, to his bike or garage; then, when Rick’s out there, Junior starts talking sweetly and then yelling “hello!” to his new friend outside the window. Yes, Junior’s head over heels. Fortunately, Rick seems to like him back. Read on…

VersaMail Sucks (and How to Uninstall it)

May 27, 2006 in Tech

Like many people who got a Treo, I was at least somewhat excited that I could sync my e-mail with Outlook using the built-in VersaMail program. While I’m far too cheap to pay for the unlimited data transmission plan that would allow me to send and receive mail over the cell network, I definitely wanted to sync mail I wanted to keep around for reference with my Treo. Unfortunately, VersaMail failed miserably, sucked completely, and, virus-like, was virturally impossible to uninstall.
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Incipient Dissatisfaction

May 26, 2006 in Otherwise Uncategorized

For the past two years, I’ve jealously guarded my weekends — guarded them from, you know, people and other similar time sucks that expect my interactive attention. And it was great. One, maybe two nights a week I’d have enough free time that I could spend it on me. You know, watch Cops, read a book, ogle attractive women, things like that, and never a second wheel to distract me from my entirely non-interactive me time.
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Oh Yeah, LA has a River

May 25, 2006 in Photos

I like taking photos. In fact, I like taking photos enough that I’m going to try to make it a part of my life — I’m going to go out shooting regularly. Hopefully this will result in me getting, you know, actually good at it. In the interim, you’ll get to see me traverse that space between “you admit to taking that?” and “hmm, might use that as my desktop background!” My first shot was with my friend Vance in the scenic and verdant LA River. Read on…

My Precioussss

May 23, 2006 in Otherwise Uncategorized

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Hospital Visit

May 21, 2006 in Photos

The ex-WG’s grandfather had a medical crisis last week; fortunately he’s doing well now, but he’s been in the hospital for a bit and is still recovering. I went down to San Diego to visit her family and provide support. It was a tough time for everyone involved but it was also good to be around people I care about and like. Read on…

At Last, You're Free From My American Inventor Recaps

May 20, 2006 in Elsewhere

… at least until next season. I’ve recapped the season finale and finally get a bit of a rant out of it.

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Oh Yeah, The Big News...

May 15, 2006 in B-School

So did I mention that I graduated on Friday? I’m officially an MBA. I think the description for what I’m feeling now is “bittersweet, elated terror.” I definitely feel as if I’ve accomplished something incredible, but, gosh, the pressure to now accomplish something even more incredible is that much greater. Read on…

New on WadeArmstrong.com: American Inventor Second-to-Last Episode Recap

May 13, 2006 in Elsewhere

I’ll admit it, I’m getting a little sick of writing a recap every week. I might not choose to continue this in the future. But, I have faithfully written this week’s recap and I look forward to the coming culminating episode. I hope that, after all these recaps, you do too!

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May 10, 2006 in Junior, Photos

I was going to go shooting with a friend this week, but I’ve been swamped by administrativa. Still, between that plan and Amy’s new hardware, I had to get some practice in. Specifically, I had to better understand the exposure and color performance of my camera. For a project like that, I needed a subject that had bright whites as well as dark details. Hmm, it occurred to me, I have one of those sitting next to me! So, without further ado, here’s my best buddy, Junior Bird. Read on…

Well, I Guess That's It

May 8, 2006 in B-School

I turned in my last paper at about 12:30 pm today; I think that means I’m done. I’m completely in shock, I don’t believe that I really won’t be going… Read on…

I'm A Bad Man

May 7, 2006 in Otherwise Uncategorized

Last night I was out with some friends; we ended up at a divey sports bar in Santa Monica. To put it briefly, it sucked, and we wanted to go across the street to a cooler bar, but one of my friends had just gotten herself a nice cool bottle of Corona. Since she was too much of a pussy to chug the beer, she stuck her beer in my chest pocket and started to prod me to smuggle her beer into the new bar. Then my other friend joined in, and how could I resist two women daring me to do a bad bad thing? So I closed my jacket over the beer and we walked across the street. I played it cool and we slipped right past the doorman and into the dance floor in the back, where I slipped out my friend’s beer and she nursed it for another 20 minutes. I’m a bad man. Read on…

More American Inventor Recaps!

May 6, 2006 in Elsewhere

Because I know you can’t get enough, I’ve got two recaps for you this week!

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Men Wearing The Wrong Collars Make Me Sad

May 3, 2006 in Sightings

It seems that gentlemen these days are fond of the tie-with-button-down-collar look, which, I suppose, is a wonderful idea if you really like your collar to poof out, exposing the parts of the tie that wrap around your neck inside the collar. Me, I prefer to restrict the visible parts of my tie to a reasonably competent knot and the wide end, hanging down to the middle of my belt. Read on…

So That's What a Quarter of a Million People Looks Like!

May 1, 2006 in Photos

Being now a man of leisure, I took most of the day off to head downtown and take some photographs of the protest for immigrants’ rights. Coincident with an immigrant boycott of all business around the country, marches like these were designed to bring the current absurd lack of meaningful policy conversation, much less reform, into the spotlight. We’ll be lucky if they succeed. Read on…

2006 NFL Draft Recap

May 1, 2006 in Spurts

As everyone knows, the NFL draft is step 1 on the path to the really important football event of the year, the fantasy draft. Oh, and said draft makes a big difference as I watch my beloved Broncos and Ravens all season long. Will they win? Lose? And how will this year’s crop of Trojans perform? Read on…