That's Karayzie!
Apr 28, 2007 in Various Frailties
So, this weekend was my 10-year college reunion. I was all pumped to go, despite a very long and exhausting week, so that I could show everyone what a big success I am. But then, in my role as a LA Fire Department Rescue Jumper, while bungee-jumping from a helicopter in order to rescue a kitten from onrushing floodwaters, I threw out my back. So, instead, I’ve spent the weekend in my most orthopedically-correct chair. Read on…
Dear Wade,
Apr 24, 2007 in Dear So-And-So, Photos
Thanks for leaving your car window open while running into the AIG’s place to pick up one last thing on your way to your weekend getaway. I really appreciate how you gave me the chance to replace that boring old Treo, iPod, and digital SLR that some folks just reached in and liberated. Read on…
Hey Easterners: Carvel's Here!
Apr 19, 2007 in Food
Do you remember those Carvel ads growing up? Did you love your Fudgie the Whale and Cookie Puss?1 I never did, because I thought Tom Carvel sounded so phlegmy and I was afraid that eating his cakes would give me tons of phlegm. But, man, those were some special ads, nothing could ever match them! Well, except for Schmidt’s Blue Ribbon Bread.2 Read on…
In Which I Show Off My Vocabulary
Apr 18, 2007 in Junior
I’m a good bird; I like to talk nice, using sweet words and saying them in a sweet voice. That gets me love and kisses! And what bird doesn’t want love and kisses? But some days talking sweet just doesn’t work. Read on…
Bye-Bye Radio
Apr 18, 2007 in Elsewhere
I wrote a few weeks ago about how music publishers had won a ruling increasing drastically the royalties paid by Internet radio. An appeal of that ruling by broadcasters was struck down today. With this ruling, look for Internet radio stations to start going dark. Go to and write your legislators to stop this from happening!
Read on…Boy, I'm Glad I Applied to Business School
Apr 14, 2007 in B-School
So, not only did I get an MBA, but I had my identity stolen from two schools (USC and UCLA), and now a apparently peripherally involved in an IRS investigation at UCLA, where I didn’t even go. To wit: Read on…
A La Vapeur
Apr 12, 2007 in Food
I’ve recently become obsessed with steaming my vegetables. I realize this is not a particularly exciting revelation — but it’s like I’ve discovered an entire new method of cooking. I mean, it was always there, and I’d steamed before, but all of a sudden it’s actually delicious and wonderful. Read on…
Fast GTD-Style Windows and Palm Notes with Launchy, AutoHotKey, and Bonsai
Apr 10, 2007 in Elsewhere
How many times have you been working away and suddenly thought “Gah! I have to buy French Vanilla-flavored non-dairy creamer on the way home!” or taken time off from actual productivity because you were suddenly seized with the determination to know who sang “One Night In Bangkok”?1 Random thoughts such as this fill my day. I’ve found that one of the keys to my productivity is to get them out of my head as quickly as possible — that means a fast way to take notes without actually taking my head out of the work I’m supposed to be doing.
Read on…Is it Possible That The Sheriff of Nottingham is Playing Dick Cheney?
Apr 8, 2007 in Ye Olde Politicks
In BBC’s Robin Hood, I mean? And, if so, would that mean that Robin Hood is John Kerry? (It’s necessary to actually have watched this show to answer this question.)… Read on…
Apr 5, 2007 in Otherwise Uncategorized
As the weather turns from winter to spring, so a young man’s fancy turns to more stimulating pursuits. Running, that is. It’s beautiful out, the sun is shining, the air is as clear as it’s going to get in LA, new buds are everywhere — I want to run and see the world. Read on…
Oh My.
Apr 2, 2007 in Reviews
I think I’ve said before that, if you aren’t watching Battlestar Galactica, you’re wasting your television. I would like to revise that statement at this time; if you’re not watching… Read on…
Boost Your Windows Productivity with Launchy and AutoHotKey
Apr 2, 2007 in Elsewhere
A few weeks ago, John Gruber and Tantek Celik wrote about ease-of-use in software programs and how the mental activity required to carry out a task on a computer is some multiple of the number of steps involved in that task. Tasks with more steps are more difficult, they assert, and more disruptive. I’m inclined to agree, which is why I use two Windows programs, Launchy and AutoHotKey to make some of my everyday activities take fewer steps and take me away from my work less.
Read on…Corny is the New Black
Apr 1, 2007 in Reviews
Have you watched some of the new shows on TV this season? They’re very retro, which is an interesting response to the couple of years of confusing shows, after the pattern of Lost and Alias, that dominated schedules for a while.
Read on…