Getting Back Up To Speed
Jun 30, 2005 in Travel
When I was in Brazil, I frequently was stuck sitting in the front seat of cabs. For some strange reason, even though the cabs were tiny, even though all of them had some major instrument out of service (speedometer, fuel, or, in one case a functional-but-not-useful generic turn indicator that flashed a two-headed arrow whenever the driver signalled), even though the cabs were all driven at a high rate of speed, even though the cabs followed too close, didn’t attend to the lanes painted on the road, and even though the cabs just blew through red lights after dark, I never was particularly scared. And, yes, I took the cabs before I got drinking too. But, today, taking a cab from the Mexico City airport to my hotel. I was scared out of my gourd. Clutching the hanging front-seat seatbelt for dear life. Staring at my feet so that I didn’t have to look out the window at my onrushing doom. Read on…
Arizona: Dangerous For Interns, Temporary Relocation (Part The Second)
Jun 26, 2005 in Various Frailties
Are you thinking of a summer internship in or temporary relocation to Arizona? Think twice, it’s dangerous. Interns and others who choose to temporarily relocate to Arizona, or any of the other Western desert states may find themselves catching Valley Fever. I think I did! Your temporary relocation to, or internship in, Arizona could feature the substantial downsiede of weeks of coughs, fatigue, and worse. Read on…
Hey Baby, Wanna Take A Survey?
Jun 22, 2005 in Meta
Come on, you know you want to take my survey. Everyone’s doing it, it won’t hurt. It’ll be fun, you’ll have such a good time. Read on…
Arizona: Dangerous For Interns, Temporary Relocation
Jun 21, 2005 in Otherwise Uncategorized
Are you thinking of a summer internship or temporary relocation to Arizona? Think twice, it’s dangerous. Interns and others who choose to temporarily relocate to Arizona may have to register their car in the state or be heavily fined. Even though interns and other temporary workers will only be in the state for a few weeks or months, and even though interns and other temporary workers may not qualify as residents, the police may still think you are a new resident of Arizona and may still ticket you. Read on…
Remembrance of Parrots Past
Jun 20, 2005 in Junior
I finally saw The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill this weekend. The parrots were portrayed as true individuals something which everybody who has been around parrots knows parrots are — even birds unsuitable for pets, like the conures in the movie. These birds, with their expressive body language and their social and bratty behavior, had a true love for interaction and a real relationship with people. Memories of parrots I’d once known filled me from the first moment of the movie to long after it was over. Read on…
Dear People Who Snatched My Grandmother's Purse
Jun 19, 2005 in Dear So-And-So
I’d like to congratulate you on your recent acquisition of about $70, a 40-year-old makeup compact, and four already-cancelled credit cards. It is truly a testament to your planning ability that you were able to lie in wait for my grandmother, in a place no less supposedly-secure than her apartment’s parking lot, and then snatch her purse before she even had a chance to get out of her friend’s car! Read on…
Garotas Brasileras
Jun 18, 2005 in Travel
Ever since I got back from PRIME, people have complimented me on my sagacity in traveling to Brazil. “Wow,” they say, “weren’t those Brazilian chicks hot?” And all I can do is sigh, because, no, Brazilian women aren’t really more attractive than American women. Read on…
Jun 17, 2005 in Otherwise Uncategorized
For some reason, in about the middle of the afternoon, I became nostalgic for one of my past lives. For three years, I was part-owner of a Web and print design studio; during that time, I did (among other things) back-end development for Web sites. I learned, and taught others, how to write code on listservs, and, for many years, a search for “Wade Armstrong” on Google would show up my many posts. Some of them even clever and smart. But they’re slowly disappearing as old discussion lists get archived or go dark. Read on…
Jun 15, 2005 in Otherwise Uncategorized
While in Brazil, I developed quite the taste for coffee That country’s brew was dark and thick and strong and a little burnt-tasting; in a small cup, with generous sugar, Brazilian coffee was warm, tasty, and would wake me up and keep me going. Now, before I went to Brazil I didn’t have a particular tendency to drink coffee — I prefer tea — but, when I got home, I started wanting some all the time. For the past few weeks, I’ve been drinking coffee on and off, in the hopes of finding some that compares to what I drank in São Paulo and Rio. And today that caught up with me. Read on…
All The President's Scandals
Jun 12, 2005 in Dreams
While on the campaign trail, I thought I would take a break and see an old friend for dinner. My car drove me and my chief of staff along the 1, up the curves of the coast, to a restaurant on the top of a small rise overlooking the Pacific. Inside, we ate a grand gourmet repast. Read on…
667.7 Miles
Jun 11, 2005 in Otherwise Uncategorized
My summer internship is a challenge; that’s to be expected. But living in Phoenix is also a challenge. It’s not that the city is so hot — sure, it’s over 100°, but what would you expect from the summer in the desert and, plus, I’m a Baltimoron — and it’s not the politics. The challenge is that I have to drive on the freeway, to and from work and to get just about anywhere, every day. Read on…
Treo Quest: Success; Or, How To Switch From A Cingular Region To A National Plan, And Upgrade Your Phone (While Outside Your Region)
Jun 8, 2005 in Tech
Somehow, despite Cingular’s best efforts, I have a Treo 650. It amazes me that it wasn’t easy for me to give them my money, but my plan was from the wrong region (PAC - California) and the Arizona salespeople couldn’t access my account to either give me an upgrade or switch me to a national, roaming-free plan. So, once you’re in a Cingular store, how do you switch your region, switch your plan, and walk out with a new phone, at the two year contract discount price? Well, that’s what this blog entry is for. Read on…
The Great Treo Quest
Jun 7, 2005 in Tech
I want a Treo 650. I covet a Treo 650. Remarkably, I even need a Treo 650. Yet, somehow, there doesn’t seem to be a Treo 650 in the Greater Phoenix area. Truly, I am an oppressed victim of the system. Read on…
Now That's a Leader
Jun 6, 2005 in B-School, Bidness
Sometimes, bosses say the stupidest things. Their mouths open and out come the worst cliches. But — even more incredible — that cliched phrase works. And then — poof — motivation! Caring! Inspiration! All the fruits of leadership! Read on…
PRIME: Eu Falo um Poco de Português
Jun 2, 2005 in B-School, Travel
I’m very happy that I took the time to learn a little bit of Portuguese before traveling to Brazil. Having the ability to understand, and to communicate with, many of the people I met there really improved my trip. Of course, it also got me stuck riding in the front of cabs and talking to cabbies, so it wasn’t all upside. Read on…